Adineta sp.17, creeping specimen, dorsoventral view. A morphotype with reddish integument. |
Adineta sp.17, 4 aspects of the head, dorsoventral view; upper left image: focal plane on the ridge. Upper right: focal plane on the rostrum lamella. Lower left image: focal plane on the rake apparatus with 5 U-hooks each. Lower right image: Ventrally bent head with contracted head ring muscle, so that the ciliary field is retracted and out of focus. |
Adineta sp.17, left image: foot with peg-like spurs (which have small "claws") and interspace (ratio SIW : SBW≈ 1.5). |
This morphotype differs from Adineta sp.18, which has also a reddish integument, by the form of the rostrum lamella and the NoUH; which is 6 in A. sp. 18. |
Location : Hattingen Oberstüter |
Habitat: dry moss on roof |
Date: 24.02.2017 |